操作内容 | 操作方法 |
レイヤーパネル On/Off | Ctrl +L |
全画面表示 | Alt +Enter |
Quick ヘルプの表示 | F1 |
操作内容 | 操作方法 |
カメラの回転 | ドラッグ |
カメラの移動 | Ctrl+ドラッグ or 中ボタンドラッグ |
カメラのズーム | Shift+ドラッグorマウスホイール |
カメラの中心を移動 | ダブルクリック |
カメラのリセット | Ctrl+H |
パースの強弱 | Shift+マウスホイール |
光源の移動 | Ctrl+Shift+ドラッグ |
Near Clipの変更 | Ctrl+ドラッグ |
操作内容 | 操作方法 |
モデルのインポート | Ctrl +i |
個別のモデル(レイヤー)の移動 | Filters > [Normals,Curvatures and Orientation] > [Transform : Translate,Center, set Origin] |
個別のモデル(レイヤー)の回転 | Filters > [Normals,Curvatures and Orientation] > [Transform : Rotate] |
個別のモデル(レイヤー)の拡縮 | Filters > [Normals,Curvatures and Orientation] > [Transform : Scale,Normalize] |
操作内容 | 操作方法 |
Mesh のレイヤーを結合する | Layerの上で右クリック > Flatten visible layers |
Filter (スキャンデータをきれいにする)
操作内容 | 操作方法 |
穴埋め | Filters > [Remeshing simpleification and Reconstruction] > [Close Holoes] Manifoldのエラーが出る場合は事前に、[Cleaning and Repairing] > [Remove faces from Non Manifold Edges]などを実施 |
孤立したMeshを除去 | Filters > Cleaning and Repairing > Remove Isolated Pieces (Diameter) |
形状を保ったままメッシュの数を減らす | Filters > [Remeshing, Simplification and Reconstruction]-[Simplification: Quadric Edge Collapse Decimation] を実行 詳細1 詳細2 |
頂点と法線からMeshを生成する | Filters > [Remeshing simpleification and Reconstruction] > [Surface Reconstruction : Ball Pivoting] |
Scale変更 | Filters > [Normals,Curvatures and Orientation] > [Transform : Scale] ※1 |
※1 ScaleはXの値だけ変えれば倍率が変わる。Measure Tool の単位はUnityでいうと1 Unity( メートル)っぽい。
"Global Registration" というのが、MeshLab 2020.07から増えている。openGRを利用しているっぽい。
OpenGRを利用して Registrationするらしい。
— littlewing (@keshin_sky) 2020年10月26日
- ply から daeへ変換
meshlabserver -i input.ply -o output.dae
- 変換時には含めるデータをオプションで指定可能
meshlabserver -i input.ply -o output.dae -m vc #頂点カラー付きで出力 [-m <opt>] the name of the file where to write the current mesh of the MeshLab document. If -m is specified the specified mesh attributes will be saved in the output file. the param <opt> can be a space separated list of the following attributes: vc -> vertex colors, vf -> vertex flags, vq -> vertex quality, vn-> vertex normals, vt -> vertex texture coords, fc -> face colors, ff -> face flags, fq -> face quality, fn-> face normals, wc -> wedge colors, wn-> wedge normals, wt -> wedge texture coords
- Windowsのバッチで連続して処理する(事前に作成したフィルター処理 filter.mlx をかける)
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\VCG\MeshLab for %%V in (*.ply) do ( meshlabserver -i %%V -o %%~nV.obj -s filter.mlx ) pause
- コマンドのヘルプ全文
C:\Program Files\VCG\MeshLab>meshlabserver Usage: meshlabserver [logargs] [args] where logargs can be: -d filename dump on a text file a list of all the filtering functions -l filename log of the filters is ouput on a file where args can be: -p filename meshlab project (.mlp) to be loaded -w filename [-x] output meshlab project (.mlp) to be saved. If -x flag is specified a 3D model meshfile.ext contained in the input project will be overwritten, otherwise it will be saved in the same directory of input mesh as a new file called meshfile_out.ext. All the mesh attributes will be exported in the saved files -i filename mesh that has to be loaded -o filename [-m <opt>] the name of the file where to write the current mesh of the MeshLab document. If -m is specified the specified mesh attributes will be saved in the output file. the param <opt> can be a space separated list of the following attributes: vc -> vertex colors, vf -> vertex flags, vq -> vertex quality, vn-> vertex normals, vt -> vertex texture coords, fc -> face colors, ff -> face flags, fq -> face quality, fn-> face normals, wc -> wedge colors, wn-> wedge normals, wt -> wedge texture coords -s filename the script to be applied Examples: 'meshlabserver -i input.obj -o output.ply -m vc fq wt -s meshclean.mlx' the script contained in file 'meshclean.mlx' will be applied to the mesh contained into 'input.obj'. The vertex coordinates and the per-vertex-color, the per-face-quality and the per-wedge-texture attributes will be saved into the output.ply file 'meshlabserver -i input0.obj -i input1.ply -w outproj.mlp -x -s meshclean.mlx' the script file meshclean.mlx will be applied to the document composed by input0.obj and input1.ply meshes. The mesh input1.ply will become the current mesh of the document (e.g. the mesh to which the filters operating on a single model will be applied). A new output project outproj.mlp file will be generated (containing references to the input0.obj an input1.ply). The files input0.obj and input1.ply will be overwritten. 'meshlabserver -l logfile.txt -p proj.mlp -i input.obj -w outproj.mlp -s meshclean.mlx' the mesh file input.obj will be added to the meshes referred by the loaded meshlab project file proj.mlp. The mesh input.obj will become the current mesh of the document, the script file meshclean.mlx will be applied to the meshes contained into the resulting document. the project file outproj.mlp will be generated A 3D model meshfile.ext contained in the input project proj.mlp will be saved in a new file called meshfile_out.ext (if you want to overwrite the original files use the -v flag after the outproject filename) all the attributes of the meshes will be saved into the output files; the log info will be saved into the file logfile.txt. Notes: There can be multiple meshes loaded and the order they are listed matters because filters that use meshes as parameters choose the mesh based on the order. The format of the output mesh is guessed by the used extension. Script is optional and must be in the xml format saved by MeshLab.